Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Scientific Search Engines

One place to start when searching the sciences is the search engine, Scirus. Scirus may help you to limit your topic. For difficult quesions and to save time, make a New Years resolution to find an information professional with access to the fee-based databases in your field. An information professional will save you time, find the answers you need to succeed, and provide value-added benefits.

"Keep Askin for Raskin" in 2010!

Article to be Published in 2010

Look for my article in the January-February, 2010 issue of the APCJ: Asia Pacific Coatings Journal! The article should be online at the end of February.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Interested in Moving Forward in 2010?

"Keep Askin for Raskin" for your research and information needs.

Customized services and value-added benefits provided by Rosa S. Raskin & Associates, phone: 440-461-4125, email, will move you to the front of your field.