Sunday, April 20, 2014

Using the Amazon Cloud

One need not own a Kindle or download apps for reading a Kindle book as Amazon provides this capability in the Amazon Cloud. 

Directions for using the Amazon Cloud are simple and herein along with a few screen shots. 

1. Sign up for an Amazon account. 
2. Click on the drop  down menu under the words “Your Account
3. Click  Manage Your Content and Devices” (orange letters in the drop down menu).

The system prompts for my account information, after which I get my Kindle Library:

4. Click on “Actions” to the right of the book title, and it prompts you as to what you want to do – If you chose “Read Now” you can read it on the computer screen, no need to download anything. 

It would be the same for any device, you may read the Kindle book on the device, but remember, the book is up in your Amazon CLOUD, no need to download any apps!