Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Lending Your Kindle Books

Not all Kindle books may be loaned, but many are available to lend.

Each publisher decides on whether the book will be available as a loan to another reader.

If one wishes to lend an Ebook, neither the borrower or the lender need to own a Kindle.

Kindle books may be loaned for up to 14 days. If the book is not picked up (receipt) within 7 days, it is automatically returned to the lender.

Most publishers chose the option of allowing the Ebook to be lent once and the lender may not read the book during the loan period.

Specific directions for loaning a Kindle book can be found at http://heresthethingblog.com/2012/02/14/loan-kindle-book-friend/

Amazon Prime includes certain books that Prime members can borrow. This is one of many features I like about Amazon Prime, in addition to the free two day shipping and free Prime movies.